Wear Management Applications (Direct Bond and Ceramic Re-lagging)
Since the introduction of Direct Bond (DB) lagging on conveyor pulleys over ten years ago, its proven success as an Engineered Solution has seen it applied across the Mining and Resources Sector. With over 3000 pulleys lagged using our unique Direct Bond Ceramic system since 2004, we have demonstrated proven success in extending the life of pulleys and reducing costs for our clients.
Orontide Engineering Services have continued to develop the DB technology to diversify its application as an improved wear solution across a wider range of both new and repaired mining equipment. Our long history with Direct Bond (DB) for use in wear management has resulted in a range of long-term, cost-saving and reliable solutions with proven results for increased service life across a variety of applications.
The consideration of new DB applications arose from working closely with our major clients where the growing pressure of increasing production through existing infrastructure and reduced costs per tonne has become the norm.
Significant trials have since been conducted on chutes, deflectors, reclaimer buckets and wet plant equipment such as launders, tanks and piping demonstrating further success with this material.
Our unique DB system allows for the tile thickness and pattern optimisation in each application to enhance product flow across the working surfaces and improve wear life of assets in service.
To reduce and eliminate downtime we have developed in-situ direct bond re-lagging. This innovative wear management solution sees repairs conducted on-site efficiently and extends the life of assets.
Our capabilities:
- Pulleys
- Chutes
- Deflectors
- Reclaimer buckets
- Wet plant equipment such as launders, tanks and piping
- In-situ direct bond re-lagging